
吴斌,男,博士,辽宁人,副研究员(研究员资格),硕士生导师。于中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所获得遗传学博士学位,北京协和医学院药学博士后。先后主持或参加国家自然基金面上项目、重大新药创制科技重大专项、北京市自然科学基金面上项目等课题20余项;目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于多基因垛叠表达系统Ⅱ在烟草中安全、高效合成甘草酸”(2023.1-2016.12)和北京市自然科学基金面上项目“基于程序化分子对接解析烟草HMGR关键氨基酸位点及功能优化”(2022.1-2014.12)。主要从事药用活性成分合成和调控的分子机制、合成生物学、药用植物非编码RNA鉴定与功能分析等方面的工作。兼任国家/北京市自然科学基金委员会项目通讯评审专家、教育部学位中心/中国农业科学院-学位论文评审专家、中华中医药学会中药资源学分会委员、中国中药协会人参属药用植物研究发展专业委员会委员。兼任Industrial Crops andProducts、PeerJ、Journal of Integrative Agriculture和Chineseherbal Medicines等杂志审稿专家。在Plant Physiology、International Journal of Molecular Sciences、Metallomics、Scientific Reports、BMC Genomics、BMC PlantBiology、Planta、Molecules、PLoS One等杂志上发表研究论文40余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者SCI收录论文24篇,含影响因子大于5.0的3篇,3.0-5.0的12篇,单篇最高影响因子6.53;出版著作4部。获得湖北省科技进步三等奖一项。


近年来共发表论文27篇,SCI收录22篇。其中第一/通讯作者论文19篇,SCI收录17篇,含JCR Q1区4篇,Q2区10篇,如下:

 (1) Jingting Liu #, Chang Zhang#,MeiJiang, Yang Ni, Yicen Xu,  Wuwei Wu,Linfang Huang, Steven GNewmaster, Chittaranjankole, Bin Wu*, Chang Liu*.Identification of circular RNAs of Cannabis sativa L. potentiallyinvolved inthe biosynthesis of cannabinoids. Planta, 2023,257(4):72.

(2) XinweiGuo, Zuliang Luo, Min Zhang, Linfang Huang, Hui Wang, YutingLi, Xu Qiao,Ailian Li*, Bin Wu*. The spatiotemporal regulations ofepicatechinbiosynthesis under normal flowering and the continuous inflorescenceremovaltreatment in Fagopyrum dibotrys. BMC Plant Biology, 2022,29;22(1):379.JCR Q1区 IF 5.26

(3) DaoyongGong#, Bin Wu#, Hongting Qin, Dezhao Fu, Shunxing Guo, BochuWangand Biao Li* Functional characterization of a farnesyl diphosphatesynthasefrom Dendrobium nobile Lindl. AMB Express. 2022, 12(1):129. JCR Q2区IF 4.126

(4) JishuangLi#, Meng Yang#, Yanni Li, Mei Jiang, Chang Liu, Meijun He*,BinWu*. Chloroplast genomes of two Pueraria DC. species: Sequencing,comparativeanalysis and molecular marker development. FEBS Open Bio, 2022,12(2):349-361.

(5) XinyiZhang*, Heyu Yang*, Bin Wu and Haimei Chen. The chloroplastgenome ofthe Iris japonica Thunberg (Butterfly flower) reveals the genomicandevolutionary characteristics of Iris species. Mitochondrial DNA B Resour,2022,7(10):1776-1782.

(6) Bin Wu#, Yanni Li#,Jishuang Li, Zhenzhen Xie, Mingbao Luan, ChunshengGao, Shilin Chen*.Genome-wide analysis of alternative splicing and microRNAsreveal complicatedtranscriptional regulation in Cannabis sativa L.International Journalof Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22(21): 11989 JCR Q1区IF 5.923

(7) Yanni Li#,Meijun He#, Jishaung Li, Yiwei Yao, Li Zhu*, BinWu*.Regulatory protein genes and microRNAs in response to selenium stimuli inPuerarialobata (Willd.) Ohwi. Metallomics, 2021,13(1): mfaa004. JCR Q2区IF 4.58

(8) Yanni Li,Caixia Chen, Zhenzhen Xie, Jing Xu, Bin Wu*, Wenquan Wang*.Integratedanalysis of mRNA and microRNA elucidates the regulation ofglycyrrhizic acidbiosynthesis in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. InternationalJournal ofMolecular Sciences, 2020, 21(9):3101. JCR Q1区IF 4.183

(9) KunyuanGuo, Yiwei Yao, Meng Yang, Yanni Li, Bin Wu*, XianmingLin*.Transcriptome sequencing and analysis reveals the molecular responsetoselenium stimuli in Pueraria lobata (willd.) Ohwi. PeerJ, 2020, 8:e8768. JCRQ2区IF 2.984

(10) HongwuShi#, Meng Yang#, Changming Mo, Wenjuan Xie ,Chang Liu,BinWu*, Xiaojun Ma*. Complete chloroplast genomes of two SiraitiaMerrillspecies: Comparative analysis, positive selection and novel molecularmarkerdevelopment. PLoS One,2019, 14(12): e0226865. JCR Q2区IF 2.776

(11) JunjieShao#, Liqiang Wang#, Xinyue Liu, Meng Yang, Haimei Chen,BinWu*, Chang Liu*. Identification and characterization of circularRNAs inGanoderma lucidum. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9:16522. JCR Q2区  IF 4.011

(12) MeijunHe, Yiwei Yao, Yanni Li, Meng Yang, Yu Li, Bin Wu*, DazhaoYu*.Comprehensive transcriptome analysis reveals genes potentially involved inisoflavonebiosynthesis in Pueraria thomsonii Benth. PLoS One, 2019,14(6):e0217593. JCR Q2区 IF 2.776

(13) LuyingLi, Xiaoyan Zhang, Xiangmei Tan, Bingda Sun, Bin Wu*, Meng Yu,TaoZhang, Yonggang Zhang*, Gang Ding*. Rhinoclactones A-E, Resorcylic AcidAnalogsfrom Desert Plant Endophytic Fungus Rhinocladiella similis.Molecules,2019, 24(7): 1405. JCR Q2区 IF 3.267

(14) Bin Wu#,Haimei Chen#, Junjie Shao, Hui Zhang, Kai Wu, ChangLiu*.Identification of Symmetrical RNA Editing Events in the Mitochondria ofSalviamiltiorrhiza by Strand specific RNA Sequencing. Scientific Reports,2017,10(7):42250. JCR Q2区 IF4.259

(15) Jia Tian,Bin Zeng, Shuping Luo, Xiugen Li, Bin Wu*, Jiang Li*.Cloning,Localization and Expression Analysis of Two fw2.2-like Genes in Small-andLarge-Fruited Pear Species. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2016,15(2):282-294. JCR Q1区 IF 0.833

(16)Bin Wu#, Qiliang Long#, Yuan Gao, Zi Wang, TianweiShao, Yanan Liu,Yong Li*, Wanlong   Ding*.Comprehensivecharacterization of a time-course transcriptional responseinduced by autotoxinsin Panax ginseng using RNA-Seq. BMC Genomics,2015, 16:1010. JCR Q2区 IF3.986

(17) HaimeiChen#, Bin Wu#, David Nelson, Kai Wu, Chang Liu*.ComputationalIdentification and Systematic Classification of novel CytochromeP450 genes inSalvia miltiorrhiza. PLoS One, 2014, 9(12): e115149. JCRQ2区IF 3.234

(18) 姚怡玮,徐静,杨萌,李燕呢,何美军,郭坤元,吴斌*。基于生物信息学方法预测野葛中的miRNA及其靶基因。中国现代中药, 2019, 21(4):429-437。

(19) 姚怡玮,何美军,杨萌,徐静,郭坤元,吴斌*。药食两用植物富硒研究进展。湖北农业科学, 2019, 58(15):5-8。



(1)《TheLingzhi Mushroom Genome》,编者,Springer出版社,2021年8月。





吴斌(4/14); 黄连安全质量控制技术与规范化生产集成技术的应用,湖北省人民政府,湖北省科学技术进步三等奖,2016。

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